Avoid Industry Jargon: Engaging Media Interviews and Speeches to Boost Success

In today’s fast-paced media environment, clarity and relatability are paramount for media and speaker trainers. Yet, many professionals unknowingly sabotage their own success by falling into the trap of using industry-specific jargon and overly formal language during interviews, speeches, or public addresses. This subtle but powerful habit can alienate your audience, making it harder for them to connect with your message.

Real-Life Example of Jargon Pitfalls

In a recent media training session, one of our clients repeatedly used the term “youths” in her sound bites. Instead of saying “young people” or “kids,” she defaulted to a word that isn’t commonly used in everyday conversation. While “youths” might be perfectly acceptable in certain contexts, it sounds stilted and formal in casual speech, creating a barrier between her and her audience.

This example highlights a common mistake many professionals make during media interviews—relying on industry terms or formal language. When speaking to the media, it’s crucial to use the exact words you’d use in a casual conversation. This helps your message resonate more with the audience, making it relatable and easier to understand.

Why Casual Language Matters in Media and Public Speaking

  1. Relatability: Using everyday language makes you more relatable. Your audience is more likely to connect with you if you speak in a way that feels natural and familiar.
  2. Clarity: Jargon and formal language can confuse your audience. Clear, simple language ensures everyone, regardless of background or expertise, understands your message.
  3. Engagement: People tune out when they hear terms they don’t understand. Keeping your language simple and conversational keeps your audience engaged and attentive.

How to Identify and Replace Jargon

  1. Review Your Communication: Look at your recent interviews, speeches, and presentations. Identify any terms or phrases that might be considered jargon.
  2. Get Feedback: Ask colleagues, friends, or even clients to review your communication. They can often spot jargon that you might overlook.
  3. Simplify Your Language: Replace industry terms with simpler, everyday words. For example, instead of saying “utilize,” say “use.” Instead of “leverage,” say “use” or “take advantage of.”
  4. Practice: Practice speaking without using jargon. This can be challenging at first, but with time, it will become more natural.

The Power of Everyday Language in Different Settings

  • Media Interviews: When speaking to the media, use words that your audience would use in daily conversation. This makes your message more accessible and engaging.
  • Investor Pitches: Investors want to understand your vision quickly and clearly. Avoiding jargon helps you communicate your ideas more effectively, increasing your chances of securing funding.
  • Board Meetings: Even in formal settings like board meetings, using clear and simple language can enhance understanding and decision-making.
  • Speeches: Whether addressing a large audience or a small group, using everyday language in speeches makes your message more relatable and memorable. Avoiding jargon helps your audience stay engaged and ensures that your points are easily understood.

Conclusion: Clear and Relatable Communication

Effective communication is about making connections and ensuring that your message is understood. By avoiding industry jargon and using everyday language, you make your communication clearer, more relatable, and more impactful.

Next time you prepare for an interview, a presentation, or a public address, think about the words you’re using. Strive to speak as if you were having a conversation with a friend. This approach will not only help you connect with your audience but also enhance your overall communication effectiveness.

Let’s use everyday language to make our communication clear, relatable, and effective. If you need help refining your communication style or preparing for your next media interview, reach out to us at Janicek Performance Group. We’re here to help you bring your fully confident, expert self to every stage.