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Don’t Look Like You Take Care Of Yourself? People Will Think You Can’t Take Care Of Them. Why We Prioritize Wellness In Our Coaching.

People hire us for executive presence, media, and public speaking coaching – and they leave with a life-changing bonus.

We receive emails months after our training sessions.

They thank us for all the skills they learned and often share the life-changing steps they’ve made since learning how to better take care of themselves as leaders.

In coaching our clients, we often talk about fine-tuning their executive presence, media appearances, and public speaking skills. But something might surprise you: wellness is a big part of the equation.

Let me share a story that illustrates this point perfectly.

Recently, during one of our coaching sessions, we worked with an executive at a $20B company – who came to us seeking advice on improving his executive presence.

As we delved deeper into their goals, we discussed something he may not have expected – his health.

With our support, he decided to make small changes each month – and stuck with them.

He not only improved his physical health but also boosted his energy levels and mental clarity.

He called me, excited to share his results:

  • He lost 15 pounds
  • The president of his company was giving him positive feedback about every presentation he gave
  • He had more energy than ever for his family on the weekends
  • He was better able to stay energized for his teams during his long weeks on the road for work
  • His inflammation was down
  • His facial redness was gone
  • Nobody thinks he’s weird when he drinks water during sales dinners instead of alcohol.
  • And he’s performing better overall because he has less brain fog
  • The impact was huge, not just on a personal level but in his professional life. He’s better equipped to lead his teams and handle the pressures of the role.

This story highlights why we’re passionate about integrating wellness into our training. It’s not just about becoming a better leader or elevating skills – it’s about becoming healthier, happier, and more resilient.

When we care for ourselves, we’re better able to show up for our teams and organizations.

And, when we look like we take good care of ourselves – clients and our teams will translate it as we can take care of THEM.

How taking care of myself as a leader changed my life. 

In my 20s and 30s, I was constantly bloated. I had brain fog. I had a lot of headaches.

That’s not a great feeling when you’re on a panel, giving a presentation, or delivering a keynote

You don’t feel amazing. You don’t have the energy to keep audiences engaged and entertained.

When a doctor tested my blood at 38 years old, she suggested I cut out gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, and alcohol. I didn’t want to hear it. And I certainly didn’t do it. 

A few years later, when I received the advice again – I was ready to hear it. Making these seemingly drastic alterations changed my life.

  • My mental and physical stamina are through the roof.
  • My skin looks better. I glow. I actually look younger.
  • I lost weight.
  • I have zero brain fog.
  • I have the energy to lead my employees and our clients.
  • I was able to have a healthy baby and lose weight quickly after giving birth.

At 41, I received another diagnosis after a routine bone/spine scan. I already had osteopenia! At 41?!?! Imagine if I had waited until the usual 50-year-old bone scan. My doctor suggested I take magnesium, a high-dose K2, and start regular weight-bearing exercises.

Knowing this diagnosis could have led to much more bone loss and potentially osteoporosis in my 50s or 60s was enough to commit to making a change.

And by my following body scan, two years later, I had successfully REVERSED it. My doctor was floored. She said she sees people slow it down but not usually reverse it. I took the advice seriously and wanted to make the change.

That is the power of giving your body what it needs.

In 2024, I worked with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. During that year’s conference, which I spoke at, it was amazing to hear them talk about the need for magnesium, too.

We prioritize wellness in our coaching. Do you?

To be the leader my employees have earned …

The consultant and coach my clients need …

And the mother my daughter deserves …

I needed to prioritize my health so I could show up for them every day.

To be the leader you want to be and PRESENT, you must take care of yourself.

The next time you think about leadership development, remember this: being a great leader starts with taking care of yourself. It’s about embracing being a healthy leader and recognizing that our well-being is crucial to success.

This is why we talk about health and wellness during our leadership training.

Is this the piece you’ve been missing in your executive presence, media relationships, or public speaking? 

We’re here for you.