Mindset: The Stories You Tell Yourself & How They’re Stopping Success

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If you’ve applied for a job, looked for investors, or tried to land a new client – this one’s for you.

Have you ever nurtured a prospect for months (maybe even years), but despite your best efforts, the deal still didn’t close?

Self-doubt starts to creep in and you start telling yourself stories like, “They’ve found someone better” or “My price is too high.”

But here’s the reality: You made up those stories. And those stories are holding you back.

I recently closed a deal with a major corporation after two years of consistent nurturing, follow-ups and building the relationship. Yes, you read that right—TWO YEARS. And the key to making it happen? I didn’t let the stories I could’ve told myself stop me from moving forward.

Persistence Is Key for All of Us

In the sales world, persistence is critical. If you’ve been in the game long enough, you know that deals can take time—sometimes a lot of time. But we can ALL learn from this. The best do not let the stories they tell themselves stand in their way.

For two years, I communicated with impact, built trust and a strong relationship with my contact. I made sure they knew that Janicek Performance Group was the right partner. I stayed visible and provided value through LinkedIn and Instagram, where they saw our regular educational content. I didn’t give up—and that made all the difference.

The Stories That Kill Sales

So, what stories are holding you back? Here are a few common ones:

  • “They found someone better.”
    This is one of the most damaging thoughts. You assume there’s always a competitor who’s more experienced or qualified. But remember, they reached out to you for a reason. Your value is undeniable—don’t discount it.
  • “My price is too high.”
    Sales executives often worry about pricing. But remember, price is only one part of the equation. If you’ve done your job well, the client sees the value you bring, which is worth far more than just numbers.
  • “They’re not interested anymore.”
    Silence doesn’t mean they’ve lost interest. Often, it’s just a matter of timing. Busy decision-makers take time to finalize deals, and it’s your job to stay in front of them—without telling yourself stories that create unnecessary roadblocks.

How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Close More Deals

The next time you find yourself doubting whether you’ll close a deal, stop making assumptions. Instead, focus on these actionable strategies:

  1. Follow Up Consistently with Impactful Communications: Keep in regular contact. Gaps in communication only fuel self-doubt. Stay persistent.
  2. Stay Visible: Ensure that your prospects see you. Whether through LinkedIn, email, or educational content, keep reminding them of the value you bring.
  3. Provide Value: Consistently offer insights and demonstrate your expertise. This helps you stay top of mind, even when the client isn’t ready to move forward immediately.
  4. Get a Decision: Whether it’s a yes or no, push for clarity. Ambiguity kills deals, and lingering in uncertainty is a major story you don’t need to tell yourself. Drive the conversation toward resolution.

From Two Years to One Closed Deal

It took me two years of communication to close a deal with that client. I won the business not because I was the only option, but because I built the relationship, I built the trust, I stayed consistent, I stayed visible, and I didn’t let self-doubt derail my efforts.

Get out of our own way. Don’t tell yourself stories that prevent you from closing deals. The next time you feel that doubt creeping in, remember: your success is just one follow-up, one email, or one conversation away.

Final Thoughts 

The stories you tell yourself are often the biggest obstacles standing between you and success. In sales, mindset is everything. The next time you’re pursuing a big opportunity, get out of your own way—because your persistence will pay off.

At Janicek Performance Group, we help sales executives sharpen their communication skills, ensuring that your message lands with clarity and confidence every time. Whether you’re closing a deal, preparing for a media interview, or leading a team, our executive media training will equip you to show up as your best self.

Your success is right there—don’t let stories stop you from grabbing it.