Why You Need to Hire a Public Speaking Coach Before Your Next Conference

standing out at a conference

As summer winds down, we find ourselves entering one of the busiest and most exciting times of the year—conference season! Whether you’re a subject matter expert, spokesperson, in sales, a CTO, or CEO looking to forge new partnerships, this period is full of opportunities to showcase your expertise and make an impact.

But here’s the catch: you can’t afford to settle for the same old approach. In today’s fast-paced business environment, standing out means pushing beyond what’s comfortable and doing something different.

The Importance of Doing Something Different

Your performance is everything.⁠ If you invest time getting nervous and prepping your slides, don’t skip preparing how you will deliver the gold.⁠

Your audience needs to feel something to act.⁠

You want to build your influence.⁠

You want to create confidence.⁠

It’s not enough to talk.⁠

It takes a performance.⁠

It’s tempting to stick to the tried-and-true methods you’ve relied on throughout your career, but the truth is, those methods won’t deliver fresh results. Whether you’re presenting at a national conference, hosting a panel, or giving a product demo, innovation is key.

Why? Because everyone else is also out there trying to make an impression. The same tactics that worked last year won’t cut it anymore. Attendees and potential clients are hungry for new ideas, fresh perspectives, and engaging presentations. That’s where doing something different can set you apart. By embracing new strategies and injecting your presentations with creativity and authenticity, you open up opportunities for meaningful connections that go beyond a typical conference interaction.

Changing and Evolving: Why It’s Hard (But Worth It)

Let’s be real—change is hard. Whether it’s a shift in your presentation style, the way you engage with your audience or even your mindset, evolving can feel uncomfortable. That’s because it requires more than just a surface-level adjustment; true growth demands introspection and the willingness to step out of your comfort zone.

For many, the hardest part is looking inward, acknowledging where there’s room for improvement, and facing those shortcomings head-on. It can be challenging to critique yourself or your team without judgment, but this self-awareness is crucial for real change.

It’s a process that takes dedication, time, and an openness to learn. But once you embrace it, you’ll start to see the positive effects not only in your presentations but also in how you connect with your audience.

Connecting with Your Audience in a Meaningful Way

The power of a great presentation lies in how well you connect with your audience. But creating that connection requires more than just delivering information. You need to approach your presentation with a new mindset, one that prioritizes authentic engagement over just “getting through” your slides.

When you step on stage (or onto a Zoom call), your audience can sense your energy, your confidence, and your authenticity. By pushing yourself to evolve and adopt fresh approaches, your audience will feel that effort. They’ll appreciate the authenticity and be more likely to engage with you, ask questions, and remember your message long after the conference is over.

The Value of Hiring a Coach for Conference Season

Now that we’ve established why doing something different is crucial, let’s talk about how to make that happen. This is where hiring a coach can make all the difference.

At Janicek Performance Group, we specialize in helping professionals prepare for high-stakes presentations. With our coaching, you’ll refine your speaking skills, gain confidence in trying new strategies, and embrace the discomfort of growth. We work with you to identify areas for improvement, help you develop a strong presentation style, and guide you through techniques to engage your audience on a deeper level.

Our tailored approach ensures that whether you’re a seasoned speaker or preparing for your first big stage, you’ll walk away feeling prepared, polished, and ready to make an impact.

Why Fourth Quarter is the Time for Change

As we head into the fourth quarter, it’s easy to fall into the trap of doing what’s worked before. But if you want different results—if you want to leave a lasting impression this conference season—you need to embrace the challenge of change. Don’t wait until next year to improve your presentation skills. Now is the time to invest in yourself and your team so you can finish the year strong and set yourself up for even more success in the year ahead.

Are you ready to make a lasting impression this conference season? Reach out to us today to schedule a consultation and see how we can help you elevate your speaking and presentation skills.