
Are you ready to go live on TV twice in one morning?

Picture courtesy of WCIU TV

It’s live TV. A lot could have happened.

More U.S. missile strikes in Syria.

A major storm on the day of the Chicago Cubs home opener (actually, it’s pouring here in Chicago as I write this, but it should clear up in time for the first pitch).

You can spend weeks, even months preparing your talking points and building relationships with your favorite TV shows to get your story on the air. After all that work – you’re cancelled.

Breaking news can take over your TV segment, leaving you to pray you’re rebooked in the future. It happens all the time.

Something else can happen. Something amazing.

Someone else can cancel or not show up in time — and the producers are left with time in the show to fill.

You’re there and you’re ready to go on again. Yes… you’re going live on TV again. Twice in one morning. More free advertising for your company. Would you want that kind of TV coverage?

Lots of people would be freaked out trying to figure out what in the world they’ll talk about. They don’t prepare for this kind of opportunity.

But you’re ready – prepared for anything.

That’s what happened this morning.

Here’s a live look behind the scenes inside the Chicago TV studio this morning:

I set this segment up for the wine company, Cellar Angels, based in Chicago.

This is exactly why I coach my media clients to be ready for anything. You never know what will happen in live TV – but since I’ve been a TV producer for 20 years… I have a pretty good idea how to deal with anything that will come your way. It’s why I’m successful as a media trainer.

Cellar Angels partnered with the nonprofit, Illinois Patriot Education Fund. I’m on the charity’s advisory board and look for media opportunities to promote them. We raise money so members of Illinois military families can go to college. Here’s how to donate.

Illinois Patriot Education Fund

Thank you to the producers at WCIU TV for booking my segment this morning. Here it is if you’d like to watch it. The producers are total pros. When the other segment was cancelled – the segment producer moved quickly and effortlessly to get my guests back on set ready to go live. Thank you… you know who you are 😉

Are you ready for YOUR story to be on TV? Book your free consultation with me here. As your media coach, I’ll help you craft your story to make it newsworthy.
