
How to Set Up for an Online Meeting or Presentation While Traveling

In today’s dynamic work environment, the ability to conduct professional and impactful Zoom meetings and presentations from ANYWHERE is an asset.

It’s June, and many people are scattered across the globe on school breaks and summer vacations. It’s a real concern to make sure you have a good place that looks professional when you’re on the road.

People ask us all the time, “What is the best way to set up for a high-stakes meeting when you’re not in your office?”

Whether you’re on the road, staying in a hotel or Airbnb, or grabbing a quick conference room, you CAN maintain a professional appearance and deliver clear communication.

Here’s how to land the best online presentation when you’re away from your office.

1. Ensuring Good Video Quality

Camera Quality

A high-quality camera is crucial for presenting yourself professionally. While most laptops have built-in cameras, their quality isn’t the best.

Investing in an external camera significantly improves your video quality. You will actually look like YOU. (I recommend this external camera for its excellent resolution and ease of use.)

Camera Position

The positioning of your camera is equally important. To create a natural and professional appearance, your camera should be at eye level. 

This helps maintain eye contact and avoids the unflattering angles from a camera positioned too low.

A simple trick is to use stacked books or a portable laptop stand to elevate your computer to the right height.

2. Ensuring Good Audio Quality

Quiet Space

Good audio quality starts with choosing a quiet location. 

If you’re in a hotel, pick a room away from busy areas like the lobby or bar. If you’re in a shared office or conference room, try to find a space with minimal background noise. 

Always test your audio before the meeting to ensure your voice is clear and free from echoes or background disturbances.

Zoom also has a really great built-in feature for silencing background noise, which you can turn on in your settings.

Using a Quality Microphone

Built-in microphones can pick up a lot of ambient noise. If you have a dedicated microphone or a good pair of headphones with a mic, use them to ensure your voice comes through loud and clear.

3. Creating a Professional Background

Neutral Background

Your background should be professional and free of distractions. 

A blank wall is ideal. If that’s not possible, aim for a simple, uncluttered background. You want your audience to focus on you, not what’s happening behind you.

By following these tips, you’ll be prepared, relaxed, and ready to go, no matter where you are. 

The key is preparation – having the right equipment, setting up your space thoughtfully, and testing everything beforehand. 

This way, you can maintain the same level of professionalism you would in your office, even when you’re on the move. 

Three Steps to Build Big Fans and Gain Loyal Customers When You Make a Mistake

Lessons Learned from a Missing Rug

As a coach, I often share my real-life experiences to help drive home important lessons. 

Today’s story is about my recent encounter with a company that turned into a lesson on how to keep your customers happy – even when things go wrong.

The Rug

My dog – bless her furry soul, decided a living room redesign was in order.

I needed a new rug, and fast, so I hopped online and ordered one from 

Easy. Simple. Right? 

The rug never arrived. 

Lost in Delivery

Three days after it was supposed to arrive, I reached out to customer service.

They offered a simple “let’s try again” without explanation or apology. 

A week later … 

The rug was still MIA.

How To Do It Right

The second call was the same experience. Except this time, the “try again” was a mistake

This whole ordeal is a crash course in what NOT to do in customer service. 

Here’s how you can avoid it:

  1. Apologize with Heart: A sincere apology is powerful. Acknowledge the mistake, show you understand their frustration and express genuine regret.
  1. Action Speaks Louder: Don’t just say you’ll fix it – explain the steps you’re taking. Be transparent, set clear expectations, and keep them updated every step of the way.
  1. Offer a Sweetener: Show your appreciation for their patience with a discount, free shipping, or a bonus item. It shows that you value their business and want to make things right.

Remember, every interaction is a chance to build trust. Following these tips, you can turn a negative into a positive, leaving your customers feeling valued and happy. 

Happy customers are loyal customers, and that’s the kind of sales magic you want!

Is your business ready to turn customer frustrations into opportunities for loyalty? Janicek Performance Group can help train your team on the communication standards needed for exceptional customer service, especially when things go wrong.

PS: If you need quick help before a big or small presentation… we’re here for you.

How Passion Inspires Teams and Moves Customers to Buy from You

How to Be a Leader Who Inspires Action

Passion is contagious.

And without it, you can’t inspire internally or externally.

When a leader brings genuine enthusiasm and heart to the table, it changes everything. 

Even a brilliant CEO with a strong track record can struggle to motivate if they come across as flat or uninspiring.

Employees crave more than just strategy and direction from their leaders. 

They want to FEEL something from their leaders. They want to believe in the company and trust the person leading is genuinely invested in their success.

In a few minutes, I’ll explain how to show passion to significantly impact the company’s culture, market perception, and overall success. 

First, here are a few reasons why leaders should focus on igniting their passion and sharing it with their teams and external stakeholders:

Inspiring Employees

Passionate leadership is infectious. When executives show enthusiasm and commitment to the product, it can inspire employees at all levels to share the same excitement and dedication. This can increase morale, higher productivity, and a stronger sense of purpose among the workforce.

Building Credibility

Demonstrating a genuine passion for the product helps build credibility and trust with both internal teams and external stakeholders. When executives are genuinely enthusiastic about what they are promoting, it reassures stakeholders that the product is valuable and worth their investment or attention.

Customer Trust and Loyalty

Customers are likelier to trust and remain loyal to a brand if they see its leaders are passionate about the product. This enthusiasm can translate into more compelling marketing messages and stronger customer relationships, as people tend to be drawn to brands that show genuine commitment to their offerings.

Driving Innovation

Passionate executives are often more invested in the success of their products and more likely to drive innovation. Their enthusiasm can encourage creative thinking and a willingness to take risks, leading to groundbreaking advancements and a competitive edge in the market.

Differentiation in the Market

Passion can be a differentiator in a highly competitive market. When executives publicly display their passion for the product, it can set the company apart from competitors who may not exhibit the same level of commitment. This can be particularly important in markets where products and services are similar and an emotional connection with the brand becomes a key differentiator.

Enhancing Brand Image

Passionate leadership contributes to a positive brand image. Companies led by enthusiastic and committed executives are often seen as more dynamic, innovative, and customer-focused. This can enhance the company’s overall reputation and attract top talent, investors, and customers.

Navigating Challenges

Passion can be a critical factor in navigating through challenges and setbacks. When executives are passionate about their product, they’re more likely to persevere through tough times and inspire their teams to do the same. This resilience can be crucial for long-term success and sustainability.

An executive’s visible passion for their product can have far-reaching positive impacts on the company’s culture, market position, and overall success.

How do you show your passion?

Still excited about your mission and company but don’t know how to start showing your passion so you can inspire? Here are a few easy ways to pull it off:

Engaging Storytelling

  • Share personal stories and experiences highlighting your journey with the product or company.
  • Use anecdotes in speeches and presentations that demonstrate commitment and enthusiasm.

Active Participation

  • Get involved in product development meetings and brainstorming sessions.
  • Participate in customer feedback sessions and demonstrate a willingness to understand and address customer needs.

Visible Leadership

  • Be present at major company events, product launches, and trade shows.
  • Take the lead in major company initiatives and be the face of the company in public forums.

Personal Endorsement

  • Use the product personally and share authentic experiences about its benefits.
  • Create content (like videos or blogs) showcasing how the product fits into their daily life or work.

Public Speaking and Media Engagement

  • Speak passionately about the product in interviews, press releases, and public appearances.
  • Participate in industry panels and discussions highlighting the product’s strengths and future potential.

Transparent Communication

  • Regularly communicate with employees, stakeholders, and customers through newsletters, blogs, or social media.
  • Share the company’s vision, goals, and progress enthusiastically and clearly.

Empowering Employees

  • Recognize and celebrate the contributions of employees who are passionate about the product.
  • Create platforms for employees to share their ideas and innovations and actively participate in these discussions.

Customer Engagement

  • Interact with customers directly through social media, forums, or customer events.
  • Show genuine interest in customer feedback and demonstrate how it influences product development.

Continuous Learning and Sharing

  • Stay updated with industry trends and advancements and share this knowledge with the team.
  • Attend industry conferences and bring back insights that can be applied to improve the product.

Cultivating a Passionate Culture

  • Foster a company culture that values innovation, creativity, and enthusiasm.
  • Lead by example, showing dedication and a positive attitude towards challenges and opportunities.

Innovative Vision

  • Articulate a clear and exciting vision for the future of the product and the company.
  • Share the long-term goals and how the current efforts are paving the way towards achieving them.

By consistently demonstrating passion through these actions, leaders can effectively inspire and motivate their team, build stronger customer connections, and enhance the company’s overall reputation and success.

Remember, passion is POWERFUL. 

You can become a leader who motivates, inspires, and empowers your team to achieve great things.

Want to see if you come across as passionate? We’ll give you honest feedback – we’re here for you.

Steal Back Your Time: Creating Boundaries So You Can Be More Present 

Stop Feeling Rushed – Your Audience Can Tell

If you were to open your calendar right now, how much time would you have for yourself?

Are you rushing from meeting to meeting to meeting to have conversations with your team, deliver presentations, or be interviewed by the media?

As a leader, you’re constantly juggling meetings, calls, and unexpected crises. You’re just trying to keep up, and before you know it, a big presentation is staring you down, and you haven’t had a moment to BREATHE – let alone prepare.

Sound familiar? 

Chances are, it shows in your message if you’re struggling to keep up with a jam-packed calendar and never have a moment to gather your thoughts.

When you don’t have time to prepare, that’s when you sound exasperated and fill with all kinds of  “ums” and “uhs” (filler words).

And it’s going to appear as if they weren’t worth the time to plan.

We know this isn’t how you feel as a leader.

And … you’re not alone. 

At Janicek Performance Group, we coach C-Suite executives and leaders with a simple but powerful tip for regaining control of their schedules: steal your time.

Steal it before someone steals it from you!

The key is to be PROACTIVE. When you’re booked for a presentation or meeting, block out dedicated time in your calendar to prepare and debrief. 

Here’s how you’ll do it:

Block Your Calendar

When you’re booked for a presentation, carve out dedicated prep time. Treat it like any other important meeting – protect it fiercely. 

At the beginning, start small: aim for 30 minutes the day before, another 30 minutes the morning of, and block 15 minutes right before to shield yourself from last-minute firefighting.

Focus Before the Frenzy

Use your stolen time wisely. Gather your thoughts, organize your material, and rehearse your delivery. This helps you walk into the room confident, clear-headed, and not scrambling for words.

Debrief After You Deliver

You’ll like some things you did – and not like other aspects. Document quickly. You’re going to forget everything you learned faster than you think. Don’t lose those thoughts in the whirlwind after.

Take a quick 5 minutes with your team to reflect. Discuss what worked well and what could be improved for the next time.

Taking control of your schedule and prioritizing focused preparation might seem selfish.

But it’s not.

Shouldn’t you be putting you and your team first? 

Investing this time in yourself is a strategic investment in your leadership.

A well-prepared leader is a CONFIDENT leader, and a confident leader inspires and motivates their team. You’ll be able to deliver clear presentations, answer questions thoughtfully, and navigate unexpected situations.

This is a MUST for you to be an effective leader. Start taking back control.

Take control of your schedule, prioritize focused preparation, and show up as the leader your team DESERVES.

Our team is here for you when you need support.

How This One Thing in Videos and Online Helps You Sell Your Products and Create Trust

This Small Media Mistake Can Drive Customers Away

As a CEO, executive, spokesperson, or business owner, every media appearance and video on your website is an opportunity to attract people to your business. 

Whether your goal is lead generation or talent acquisition – you must make a great first impression.

Yet so many people make this media mistake …

You’re only making a good first impression on your audience if you provide spectacular video audio.

If people can’t HEAR you, how are they supposed to understand your message?

A Missed Opportunity

Recently, our team was in New York, coaching a massive organization on their media – their skills for media appearances, the media on their website and social media, and more.

They showed us a video on their homepage, and there were two major problems with it.

  1. The video was shaky 
  2. And it had terrible audio 

The video wasn’t approachable and didn’t invite you to comment or work with them. 

It didn’t feel like it was building trust or a connection.

Were we surprised? Not really. We see this all the time.

The “Good Enough” Trap

The “good enough” approach sets you up for failure. Yet, CEOs, executives, spokespeople, and business owners fall into it constantly.

They’re busy, have a million responsibilities, and are not EXPERTS in media – so they settle for something good enough.

That’s where we typically come in – you don’t have to keep guessing or settling.

The Solution? Invest in Good Audio

The good news? The solution to this problem isn’t overly complicated.

Fixing bad audio is incredibly simple: use a wireless microphone

You’ll end up with a message your audience can HEAR and want to engage with.

This isn’t revolutionary stuff, but it probably wasn’t even on your radar as a tool you needed.

But it’s on OUR radar. This is what we do – find the little details that greatly impact how you present yourself to the world.

Lost in Translation? Don’t Let Jargon Sabotage Your Message

You’re really smart.

I know it. You know it. 

Is it possible to be TOO smart for your audience?

Perhaps the smartest thing you can actually do is ditch the intellectual language, industry jargon, technical lingo, and acronyms. 

The Janicek Performance Group was recently in New York for a week, media training the New York Blood Center.

This organization does some really important work – work that legitimately saves lives – and they need to leverage media opportunities to send a message to the public. 

“Donate Today, Save Lives Tomorrow.”

But what happens when they get up in front of an audience or are sitting down across from a reporter and they ask you to explain what they do?

They are the EXPERTS in blood donation.

Just like you are the expert in your field.

But the general public – the people they want to be HEARD by – are not.

Using technical language and industry jargon is a surefire way to confuse and lose your audience.

Picture this: you’re passionately advocating for your cause, pouring your heart into your message, only to be met with puzzled looks or worse, an empty audience. It’s like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded – frustrating and maybe even impossible.

If you are …

  • In the media
  • Answering questions from the media
  • Giving the media sound bites or quotes to promote your organization and spread your message
  • Trying to get something from an audience
  • Trying to move an audience to take action
  • Advocating for something

… you need to be careful with your language. Otherwise, you can completely miss the mark.

How you speak with your team or others in your industry is not how you should speak to your audience.

When you speak in terms that only insiders understand, you risk alienating your audience and undermining the impact of your message.

You know your industry in and out, but the general public doesn’t. Here are the dos and don’ts.


  1. Be clear and concise in your communication. Great, clear, accessible communication is the best way to reach your audience, persuade them, gain their trust, establish a relationship, and rally them for a cause.
  1. Bridge the gap between your expertise and your audience’s understanding. Put yourself in the shoes of your audience and speak to them in a way that will resonate .
  1. Test your message out on someone who doesn’t know anything about your industry. is the best way to ensure your messaging is clear. Deliver your message and if they don’t understand the point you are trying to convey, it’s time to go back to the drawing board.
  1. Hire a media coach or trainer to help you perfect your messaging. At Janicek Performance Group, we are pros at workshopping your messaging.


  1. Use acronyms. Spell out terms instead of assuming everyone understands abbreviations unique to your field.
  1. Use jargon. Use everyday language that is accessible and easily understood by a broad audience.
  1. Use complicated language. Simplify complex concepts and explanations without sacrificing accuracy.

The next time you need to communicate with the media or any audience at all, ditch the jargon, speak plainly, and remember – your brilliance is best shared when everyone can understand it. 

The more relatable you are, the more impact you’ll have.  

After all, the most powerful message is the one that lands.

From Mumbler to Master

In a world where mumbling seems to be the norm, where conversations often dissolve into a chorus of “What? What?” it’s no wonder why clarity in speech can sometimes feel like a lost art.

Have you noticed how hard it is to hear people sometimes? 

It’s because we are a nation of lazy speakers.

There’s a tip we always give our clients to help them with their enunciation.

There is one thing in your house right now you can use – a great tool to work on your enunciation, practice opening your mouth when you speak, and be understood anywhere you go.

It’s Dr. Seuss books.

You know, the ones that go …

Knox in box. Fox in socks.

Knox on fox in socks in box.

Socks on Knox and Knox in box.

Fox in socks on box on Knox.

Yes, the books penned by the beloved children’s author are not just entertaining stories for young readers.

Fox in Socks is a book I’ve been reading with my daughter since she was a baby, but not just for her.

For the last five years, I’ve been reading Dr. Seuss books, and I will tell you, those rhymes and tongue twisters are an incredible vocal exercise to help your enunciation.

Here’s what to do:

With a wide open mouth so you can articulate each word clearly …

  • Say it fast.
  • Say it slowly.
  • Say it high.
  • Say it low.
  • Repeat.

Don’t be afraid to repeat the same rhymes multiple times. The more you practice, the more natural and effortless your enunciation will become.

When you work on saying them really fast and then really, really slowly, using really high voices and then really low voices, I promise you, as silly as that sounds, you will become a much more engaging presenter.

Any time you need to talk to someone, you will be heard more, and you will make a bigger impact if you utilize these books.

Find all the Dr. Seuss books you can and really enunciate them, and you will be less of a mumbler.

Do you have a presentation coming up? 

Our coaches at Janicek Performance Group can prepare you!

We’re here for you.

Don’t Look Like You Take Care Of Yourself? People Will Think You Can’t Take Care Of Them. Why We Prioritize Wellness In Our Coaching.

People hire us for executive presence, media, and public speaking coaching – and they leave with a life-changing bonus.

We receive emails months after our training sessions.

They thank us for all the skills they learned and often share the life-changing steps they’ve made since learning how to better take care of themselves as leaders.

In coaching our clients, we often talk about fine-tuning their executive presence, media appearances, and public speaking skills. But something might surprise you: wellness is a big part of the equation.

Let me share a story that illustrates this point perfectly.

Recently, during one of our coaching sessions, we worked with an executive at a $20B company – who came to us seeking advice on improving his executive presence.

As we delved deeper into their goals, we discussed something he may not have expected – his health.

With our support, he decided to make small changes each month – and stuck with them.

He not only improved his physical health but also boosted his energy levels and mental clarity.

He called me, excited to share his results:

  • He lost 15 pounds
  • The president of his company was giving him positive feedback about every presentation he gave
  • He had more energy than ever for his family on the weekends
  • He was better able to stay energized for his teams during his long weeks on the road for work
  • His inflammation was down
  • His facial redness was gone
  • Nobody thinks he’s weird when he drinks water during sales dinners instead of alcohol.
  • And he’s performing better overall because he has less brain fog
  • The impact was huge, not just on a personal level but in his professional life. He’s better equipped to lead his teams and handle the pressures of the role.

This story highlights why we’re passionate about integrating wellness into our training. It’s not just about becoming a better leader or elevating skills – it’s about becoming healthier, happier, and more resilient.

When we care for ourselves, we’re better able to show up for our teams and organizations.

And, when we look like we take good care of ourselves – clients and our teams will translate it as we can take care of THEM.

How taking care of myself as a leader changed my life. 

In my 20s and 30s, I was constantly bloated. I had brain fog. I had a lot of headaches.

That’s not a great feeling when you’re on a panel, giving a presentation, or delivering a keynote

You don’t feel amazing. You don’t have the energy to keep audiences engaged and entertained.

When a doctor tested my blood at 38 years old, she suggested I cut out gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, and alcohol. I didn’t want to hear it. And I certainly didn’t do it. 

A few years later, when I received the advice again – I was ready to hear it. Making these seemingly drastic alterations changed my life.

  • My mental and physical stamina are through the roof.
  • My skin looks better. I glow. I actually look younger.
  • I lost weight.
  • I have zero brain fog.
  • I have the energy to lead my employees and our clients.
  • I was able to have a healthy baby and lose weight quickly after giving birth.

At 41, I received another diagnosis after a routine bone/spine scan. I already had osteopenia! At 41?!?! Imagine if I had waited until the usual 50-year-old bone scan. My doctor suggested I take magnesium, a high-dose K2, and start regular weight-bearing exercises.

Knowing this diagnosis could have led to much more bone loss and potentially osteoporosis in my 50s or 60s was enough to commit to making a change.

And by my following body scan, two years later, I had successfully REVERSED it. My doctor was floored. She said she sees people slow it down but not usually reverse it. I took the advice seriously and wanted to make the change.

That is the power of giving your body what it needs.

In 2024, I worked with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. During that year’s conference, which I spoke at, it was amazing to hear them talk about the need for magnesium, too.

We prioritize wellness in our coaching. Do you?

To be the leader my employees have earned …

The consultant and coach my clients need …

And the mother my daughter deserves …

I needed to prioritize my health so I could show up for them every day.

To be the leader you want to be and PRESENT, you must take care of yourself.

The next time you think about leadership development, remember this: being a great leader starts with taking care of yourself. It’s about embracing being a healthy leader and recognizing that our well-being is crucial to success.

This is why we talk about health and wellness during our leadership training.

Is this the piece you’ve been missing in your executive presence, media relationships, or public speaking? 

We’re here for you.

Behind Every Great Speaker: Why Coaches Aren’t Just For Sports Teams

Behind many of the greatest performances of all time – I’m talking about stars like Michael Jordan and The Beatles – there are coaches.

One of the biggest compliments I’ve ever received was when the CEO of a $20B private company told me – no one EVER tells me these things.

I was so proud to be able to help guide this brilliant leader and nudge him gently with my coaching.

The majority of CEOs we work with are surrounded by people who don’t want to hurt the relationship they have with their boss. I GET IT.

This is why an outside voice … a coach … a trainer … is so important.

This is our role.

Like Michael Jordan had Phil Jackson and The Beatles had George Martin, if you want to achieve greatness in your speaking career, you need an expert to support you.

This winning formula isn’t exclusive to sports or music. 

If you have a big presentation coming up, you need a coach in your corner.

We’re talking about more than nailing your delivery – we’re talking about owning your presence and making a real impact on your audience.

You need to get the return on your investment.

The Value of Having a Coach in Your Corner

When our clients have big keynotes coming up, we have them present in our studio so they’re confident and ready to go when it’s showtime.

This allows them to get used to the teleprompter and simulate being on stage with the bright lights on them. 

The studio can also be a space where self-doubt looms, where the echo of the inner critic threatens to overshadow even the most confident voices.

Being on set, surrounded by lights, cameras, and a crew of between 3 and 30, can be incredibly overwhelming. 

And this is GOOD!

It’s a scenario outside the comfort zone for many, and it helps them get ready for the pressure of a real life scenario.

It’s common for insecurities to surface, from hating the sound of your voice to feeling self-conscious about your appearance. 

Even after over two decades of experience in studios, coaching TV anchors/reporters, and ten years coaching executives on how to deliver messages on stage, online and for the camera – I need that coach … that voice … improving my delivery and body language.

(I’ll even share a video below of my process in the studio, the three takes I took to get to the final result, and how one of our coaches helped me do it.)

Four Things a Coach Can Do For You in The Recording Studio

1. Emotional Support and Advocacy

One of the primary benefits of having a coach in your corner when presenting is having someone to advocate for you. 

They can sense your emotions, support you, and keep you motivated, whether this means saying, “Let’s take a break,” “Let’s go through that one again,” or “Let’s play that take back to review.”

Some clients don’t feel comfortable asking for another take or rehearsal – or don’t even know what questions to ask because they haven’t been on a stage or in front of a camera. Having someone in your corner whose job is to advocate for you if you don’t feel comfortable doing it yourself is a game-changer.

2. Vocal Performance Coaching

Our coaches pay particular attention to vocal performance to see where it can be enhanced.

Having a coach in your corner is like having a second set of ears to listen to your delivery…

  • Direct you on how to say each line and which words to emphasize. 
  • Recognize when your voice sounds dry and needs water or a quick vocal warm-up to get you back into a good pitch.
  • Help you identify when you’re dropping your volume at the end of sentences, rushing through lines, or forgetting to connect to your breath.
  • Do script editing at the moment if you repeatedly stumble. How you write something on paper doesn’t translate to how you say it out loud. Sometimes, teams will write scripts that have language that is way too stylized for verbal communication. We edit scripts to make sure they sound great when being delivered and like the leader is actually speaking to the audience. 

3. Body Language Coaching

The third benefit of having a coach with you in the studio is having someone to direct your body language. 

One of the things we commonly see is people using their hands too much or not enough. Or perhaps they’re not adding any facial expressions and are staying super neutral. 

When you have a coach in the studio, they can make sure your body is fully incorporated and present in the moment. 

We also coach people on their appearance: hair, makeup, and wardrobe. We help you look like the leader you envision and want to be.

With a coach, you receive real-time feedback and adjustments, ensuring that your look and body language match your message.

4. Production Coordination

It’s powerful to have someone other than you coordinate the production to make the most of your time in the studio.

While this isn’t true for working with all coaches, we have extensive broadcast television and theatre background – so we remove all the extra brain work so you can focus solely on your performance.

When you work with our team, you can focus on what you are an expert in. 

Even for me, I need one of my coaches in the room so I can focus just on my performance and ignore the producer brain inside me that wants to plan everything.

When you work with us, you also get a reliable crew – a producer, director, videographer, editor, teleprompter professional, makeup artist, hairstylist, photographer, craft services – and whatever else you need.

We have trusted contractors that we work with that you can be confident will deliver the best (unlike that time when somebody brought their own makeup artist, and it was their 15-year-old niece). You don’t have to waste time scheduling any of these key players. We coordinate the entire production and everyone who is needed.

Here’s an example of what getting coached in the studio looks like.

In the first clip of this video, I was still thinking of the words. I was in my head, and my expression was slightly glazed over. I wasn’t emotionally connecting to the words.

What you don’t hear is Raechel, one of our expert coaches, standing off to the side, encouraging me to do another take.

The second time around, I was still trying to make sure the wording was exactly what I wanted to hear and that my presence matched the intention of the video. It was better, but still wasn’t THE take.

Again, Raechel helped me.

Finally, when you watch the third take, you can feel and see I had the confidence of knowing the message, connecting to the WHY, so I didn’t come off as robotic reading from the teleprompter and the energy I had been working up to.

Are you ready for a coach?

The undeniable truth remains: behind the curtain of some of the most legendary performances in history stood coaches who played instrumental roles in shaping greatness. 

Whether you’re gearing up for a pivotal presentation or navigating the path to becoming a seasoned speaker, having a coach to guide you is indispensable. 

You want someone in your court looking out for every aspect of your performance, including your emotional well-being and your physical and vocal messaging.

Having a coach puts you at ease, as you know someone has your back, and you don’t have to do this alone.

If you’re preparing to deliver a major presentation or looking to break into the public speaking profession, we can help you get to where you need to be.