Kathryn Janicek

We Lost Our House (The Lesson to be Learned on Communication)

A few days ago we lost our house.

We received an email at two o’clock saying that if we didn’t pay up in three hours, we were done.

My husband was out of town, I was managing the two maintenance guys cleaning the stairways in our building and I was renegotiating the contract with a long-time client. And at that moment, I found out, we were losing our home.

Even in the chaos, I could feel that something was off. It wasn’t adding up. I had met most of the players – and I just knew what I read on email wasn’t what they meant to say. I knew something was lost in translation from the lawyers.

When I asked our lawyer if I could just pick up the phone and call the other party — woman to woman — there was laughing.

The deadline came and went and we lost it. We would have to start our house hunting all over again.

I tried not to get emotional about it. The voice inside my head was my father’s saying, “Kathryn, a home is not an emotional purchase. It’s a business transaction. Don’t get attached.”

I told myself, forget it – and tried to move on. The problem was, I kept having the nagging feeling that something wasn’t right.

A few hours later, our realtor called saying the seller had no idea her lawyer sent the email and she did NOT want to kill the deal. The deal was dead at the moment – but it was so good to hear that my intuition was right on.

The seller’s message was completely miscommunicated through the lawyers to us. She wanted to sell to us – and wanted us to be happy. What could have been a real setback for her and quite frankly, us — turned out to be fixed with clear communication once I was able to talk to her.

Woman to woman.

Have you ever had your message miscommunicated? Through lawyers? Via a promotion? Through your salespeople? In the media?

Do you want to have more confidence telling your story yourself — so it doesn’t get changed, twisted and end up hurting your business?

Not sure what story to sell to reporters – that will, in turn, sell your company?

This video provides some answers on how you can find the right message to land media coverage. I’m joined by digital marketing expert and owner of mConnexions, Julie Holton, to talk about how to find the right story to tell, how to make sure your message isn’t misconstrued, and then the best places to market that message.


Like what you see? Join me every Thursday at 1pm Central, live on Facebook. To make sure you get on in time for my Facebook Live training, like my Fan Page and have the notifications turned on like this:

Every company has a story – we’ll find yours!

Kathryn Janicek | Media Coach, Producer, Public Speaking Trainer
Kathryn Janicek is a three-time Emmy Award-winning television producer with 20 years of experience working in newsrooms across the country. Kathryn coached talent, producers, and writers before switching her focus on helping entrepreneurs and corporate executives. Now, based in her home city of Chicago, she is a much sought-after media coach and public speaking trainer who will help you produce the best YOU. Click HERE now to book a complimentary 30 minute consultation with Kathryn!

Why Hire Me? If You Want to Double, Triple, or 10x Your Business…

I have amazing clients — but I’m always looking to help more people.

I’m often asked, “Who should hire you?” And, “Why should someone hire you?”

These answers are nicely outlined in a book I helped write last year that made it onto the Amazon best-sellers list.  I’m giving away free copies of the book to the first 50 people who ask for it.

Success Hackers Book - Kathryn Janicek

In the meantime, here’s a little excerpt from the book where I explain who I am and why you should hire me:

I’ve won three Emmys for breaking news and social media – and two Associated Press awards. I’ve been in media for almost twenty years. I have worked in cities across the United States as a TV news executive producer, producer, VP of news for a national network and a spokesperson for law enforcement. 

My career sent me to seven cities in less than 15 years – and when it was time for me to make my next career jump a few years ago – it meant moving to LA or NYC to move up and make more money. I wanted to stay close to my family, keep growing my network and roots in Chicago. I love Chicago because of the culture, theatre, work ethic, restaurants, neighborhoods, media… it’s a perfect city. It was time for me to figure out what was next without moving.

The problem was – I didn’t think I had skills that were translatable to another career. What exactly did I do? I wanted to leverage all the knowledge I had soaked up over the years. I knew how to produce television – live and taped… lead anchors, reporters and a team of producers and writers. I juggled live shots, a chopper and kept the weather guy talking when a story needed a few more seconds before it was ready to make air. I knew what was important for my viewers to learn… what was trending, how to dig up a story… how to train people on how to write news for TV, web and radio… but at the time, I didn’t know how to create a company out of that – unless I started my own television network.

I only realized my skills – when people started asking me to help them. I got clients immediately because once I was a free agent, people told me what they wanted from me. I didn’t go out and decide what to do. People came to me and said:

  • “I could really use help with media strategy.”
  • “I want to get better at delivering big speeches. I want to know what to wear and what to do with my hands on stage.”
  • “I want to get into the media. I want my fifteen minutes. I want free publicity.”
  • “I want my story out there.”
  • “My client needs a media coach.”
  • “I want to sell more.”
  • “I want to put more butts in seats at my restaurant.”
  • “Can you help me?”

That’s how I started Kathryn Janicek Productions.

I guide organizations in media and public speaking training. I coach executives looking to move up in their career, those who are making major speeches for the first or 100th time — and spokespeople who need to get “media ready.” They need help delivering a better message – a more memorable message. And I produce that for them. I also coach people who speak English as their second or third language – helping them with delivery, pronunciation, vocabulary, cultural things… whatever they need.

Some clients have really wanted to be on TV – or be seen as an expert in their field – but they need help getting their story out of them. I guide them on what a writer or producer may find interesting about them… and then I coach them on how to perform better when it comes to being on TV or radio, or how to give a more impactful quote so it makes the newspaper article or the magazine article.

And I haven’t stopped producing stories and video. I produce videos for clients because video is KING online. If you don’t have video – you cannot connect with your future clients. Not only will a well-produced video help your sales team share WHY a client should purchase your services or products, but video will help people connect to the people behind your company if you have a well-produced video on your homepage. Video should also be used on social media to attract future clients. Video is also what Facebook’s algorithm favors over any other content. You will be seen by MORE people and future customers if you have video. Video also gets more eyeballs on LinkedIn. This is why video is King when it comes to content.

I also produce stories for television. I produce for Soledad O’Brien’s show, Matter of Fact, on Hearst stations across the United States. I’ve also produced TV shows for PBS worldwide. I dig up the stories, plan the shoots, find the interviews – direct the crew – and then write the stories for TV and online. It’s been fun to travel to a few places I haven’t seen. For the majority of my career, I spent an ungodly amount of hours each day inside a newsroom. It’s nice to experience things in person – and not just through monitors in a control room.

That’s what I help people do. I can’t take credit for finding that myself. People started asking for help.

I followed the demand. Supply and demand. I listen to my customers and help them produce the results they want.

My most common client is a rock star at what they do. They’re in their 30s, 40s, 50s and 60+ — and the two things they all have in common is they’re an expert in their industry – and they need work when it comes to translating their message to a crowd and making sure their content sticks. I teach people how to make their message more relatable to a larger crowd, how to get more emotion when they present so people say “Wow! I want to work for that person,” or “I want to know that person,” “I want to buy their book,” or, “I believe in their company.” I teach people how to present better so they can attract more clients. I produce the best YOU.

If they need more energy — I help them inject that into their presentation skills. If they need help engaging their audience – I show them how to create more memorable messages. Sometimes they need more confidence so they can shine either at work or during a major presentation. I help with that too.

They learn how to breathe correctly – how to deliver their message – what to wear in different scenarios – ways their posture changes their message – how to alter their tone to change how the message is delivered – how and where to sit at a conference room table – how to end and start sentences in an authoritative way – what colors to wear – how to carry themselves on stage or during an interview – how to make a statement without going overboard when it comes to makeup (men too) and jewelry… and how to work with stage lighting. One of the biggest improvements I made with a client’s overall presentation had to do with his eyebrows.

In this video, I outline what you need to know before you show up to a public speaking event. This is very helpful information that will prepare you — and make you feel and look more confident:

If a client is preparing for an interview – we go through key points they need to land. Even if the hiring manager doesn’t ask – we practice ways to make sure those messages are delivered – and the employer sees the client is incredible.

I think people more in their 30s, 40s get it. They say, “There’s a reason I haven’t been able to move up,” or, “Maybe there’s a reason I haven’t been able to get my story out in the media or sell more,” or, “I’m a financial advisor like her – why haven’t I been able to get into an article in Forbes or on a cable news segment?” — and then they finally act on it and hire help.

I would absolutely love to help more people who are just starting out, but usually, it’s by mentoring. Many people in their 20’s, who need the coaching respond, “You’re x-amount per hour or x-amount per month? I really can’t afford that.” They haven’t realized yet that you MUST invest in yourself to come off as your best in an interview or during a presentation.

I produce the best out of people and companies. That’s a service worth paying for.

People need to invest in themselves and this training earlier on so they can avoid performance mistakes. And – they won’t develop bad habits!

I think that if we all could have been a better-produced version of ourselves in our 20s we might have worked up the career ladder a little faster.

Success Hackers Book - Kathryn Janicek

Kathryn Janicek | Media Coach, Producer, Public Speaking Trainer
Kathryn Janicek is a three-time Emmy Award-winning television producer with 20 years of experience working in newsrooms across the country. Kathryn coached talent, producers, and writers before switching her focus on helping entrepreneurs and corporate executives. Now, based in her home city of Chicago, she is a much sought-after media coach and public speaking trainer who will help you produce the best YOU. Click HERE now to book a complimentary 30 minute consultation with Kathryn!

Telling Your Story: Landing & Leveraging Media Opportunities

Have you ever had your message miscommunicated? Via a promotion? Through your salespeople? In the media? It can hurt your message and damage your confidence!

So let’s get out in front by talking through how to sell your story so that your message isn’t misconstrued.

This week live on Facebook, I shared how to find the right story to tell  – and how to tell it to the right media at the right time.

I was also joined by special guest Julie Holton, the Principal Strategist and Owner of MConnexions  for a deeper dive into how to leverage that attention with some marketing must-do’s.

Every company has a story to tell – let’s find yours! Click below to watch the video.



Kathryn Janicek | Media Coach, Producer, Public Speaking Trainer
Kathryn Janicek is a three-time Emmy Award-winning television producer with 20 years of experience working in newsrooms across the country. Kathryn coached talent, producers, and writers before switching her focus on helping entrepreneurs and corporate executives. Now, based in her home city of Chicago, she is a much sought-after media coach and public speaking trainer who will help you produce the best YOU.

How to Prepare for & React to a Media Crisis (so it doesn’t become a bigger deal)


Something terrible happens – and the media is calling and beating your door down.

You hide.

You don’t know what to do or what to say.

You did nothing wrong — but you just handled the situation wrong. And now, there are accusations online, your employees are confused, and the media won’t. just. go. away.

You can go from normal to a media crisis in minutes. An employee sends out a racist tweet. You lay off workers. Your CEO gets in a car crash and he was drinking. There’s a video of your employees doing something illegal.

What could happen at your company?

Every organization is vulnerable to a crisis. If you ignore it – it doesn’t disappear.

Maybe it’s not even your crisis – but it’s a vendor’s or a client of yours is having a crisis. Maybe you’re a law firm, a financial firm, an accounting firm… and you have clients who have a crisis. If you know how to help them — you can save them.

TRUST ME – if you don’t prepare – you’ll be worse off.

  • The impact to your financial and reputational bottom line will be more severe.
  • Employees and other stakeholders will not know what’s happening and will become confused and angry.
  • Your organization will be perceived as inept and possibly criminally negligent.
  • The media crisis will last MUCH longer. 

Why trust ME?

I have 20+ years of media experience as a TV and social media producer, executive producer, writer and news director. I have seen the good and the ugly. I helped manage my TV station’s 9/11 coverage.

As the spokesperson for the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office, I handled all communications for one of the biggest news events in Minnesota: the 35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Talk about a crisis. The eight-lane, steel truss arch bridge that carried Interstate 35W across the Mississippi River collapsed into the river during rush hour on August 1, 2007. Thirteen people were killed. 145 were hurt. First thought was terrorism, then it quickly became a structural issue. I was in charge of all local, national and international media – even over the federal response.

The basic steps of effective crisis communications are not difficult, but they require work in order to minimize the damage.

Are you serious about crisis preparedness?

Here is what you need to do:


What Facebook Live can do for you (i.e. increase sales)

Don’t know how to make a Facebook Live land you new business leads?

Is your only production knowledge from watching Wayne’s World? “Camera one, camera two… camera one, camera two.”

Think it’s all a waste of time?

My Facebook Live show this week answered all your questions:

  • Why should I be on Facebook Live?
  • How do I use it to land more sales?
  • How can I set up Facebook Live to fit MY budget?
I’ve been going live since 1998 as a TV producer. Longer than most people you’ve seen call themselves “live video experts”. My background is in making other people look great while broadcasting live on TV. Once Periscope got on the scene — I jumped all over that going live from TV shoots in Hawaii and other destinations. On Facebook, I have taken viewers like you live to:
  • a TV shoot in Mississippi where I was covering a historic case
  • Kansas the week of the 2016 presidential election to show what the middle of the country was thinking
  • and I also do live shows on Facebook to share how you can gain the media’s attention and improve your public speaking skills.

I LOVE live video. But honestly, I love PRODUCING live video. Without doing my own Facebook Lives, I was missing out on the MARKETING POWER Facebook Live has for everyone like me who owns a company.
Don’t be like me in 2016… missing out on all that marketing power. Missing out on the clients I could have landed.

Watch this video to find out:

  • Why people will see your Facebook Live faster than any blog you post
  • How you can promote new products or services on Facebook Live
  • How Facebook Live creates trust with your audience
  • How it helps your marketing strategy
  • Why you should interview your CEO on Facebook Live
  • How to share the video later and integrate it into your overall marketing strategy
  • What kind of equipment you need to do a high-quality FB Live (without busting your budget)

I’ll be going live again next Thursday at 1 pm Central so mark it in your calendars, set an alarm, whatever you need to do to make sure you’re here on my Facebook page. Oh, and send me your media or public speaking questions and I’ll answer them live.

Join Kathryn Janicek Live Every Thursday on Facebook at 1pm Central

5 Ways to Land Media (Without Spending a Fortune)

Do you want to help your company get noticed by the media and gain more customers? But… you don’t know how to start? You’ve landed in the right place!

As someone who spent 20 years working in the media, I have experience and knowledge to share! I’ve put together a free eBook with five things you can do this week, so that you can deliver your message to your audience — and make sure they remember it!

Will you be LinkedIn or left out?

It is growing more and more misleading to refer to LinkedIn as a “social” media platform. Although it is one of the most popular digital marketing platforms, it is far from simply a social tool. LinkedIn is the leading online business-oriented networking service used to connect professionals. Ten years after its launch, LinkedIn reported more than 259 million members in more than 200 countries and territories. So it prompts the question: will you be LinkedIn or Left out?

When actively used, LinkedIn can strengthen and extend the existing network of your trusted contacts. Whether you own a small business, are a top executive at a Fortune 500 company – or fall somewhere in between – LinkedIn can be a powerful tool, when we apply it with purpose.

Those bold, italicized words in that last paragraph? Let’s emphasize them again. Actively used. Purpose. Within these words lies the secret to success on LinkedIn.

Let’s first define your purpose.

“Because my Marketing Director keeps telling me to…” may be the push you needed to read this blog, but here are a few more serious ideas to think about when establishing your purpose:

  • Establishing your expertise through your profile page and shared content, while also sharing the expertise of others within your organization.
  • Seeking out strategic alliances to help build your client base.
  • Developing relationships with people in specific industries.
  • Gaining information about clients, competitors, and industries.
  • Maintaining contact with your real-world connections.
  • Searching for new job opportunities, freelance work, or in reverse, looking for job applicants and referrals for professional freelancers.
  • Reinforcing your personal branding as a professional, a thought leader, or a community member.
  • Connecting your business with other businesses, and in effect your business leadership with other professionals.

Once you establish your purpose for using LinkedIn, it serves as a baseline for your engagement. Or, in simple terms, your purpose leads you to develop a simple strategy to actively use the site. By establishing a routine tied to your purpose, you’ll be able to get on and off the site, while making efficient and effective use of your time.

For instance, joining and creating groups, leveraging your articles and blogs through the publish feature, and sponsoring updates are all great ways to engage with other users, depending on your purpose for using LinkedIn, and with whom you are striving to connect.

You’re here. You’re ready. So start with the basics.

Download this one page document with tips to use while building or enhancing your LinkedIn profile. These ideas transcend across all industries, no matter your profession or title.

For those in professional service industries, the American Bar Association  offers some additional items to include in your profile – and why – along with how to build your strategic network on LinkedIn.

Now it’s time to answer the ultimate question: Will you be LinkedIn or Left Out?

Julie Holton | mConnexions | Digital Marketing Agency

Julie Holton is the Principal Strategist and Owner of mConnexions, a full-service marketing and communications agency with a focus on developing digital marketing solutions for clients. Relationships are the key to building business. mConnexions works to build those connections, one marketing lead at a time. Connect with Julie on LinkedIn and learn more about mConnexions at mConnexions.com.

When you shouldn’t go skinny dipping…

Now, there’s nothing wrong with skinny dipping in your backyard pool… but you can get burned in places.. well, you know what I mean. No one wants that.

I had two amazing people with loads of experience to pitch this week for media interviews.

Their backgrounds are full of the expertise that should have landed them media.

The problem?

The reporters googled my experts and they didn’t have a website or any other online marketing to back up their expertise.

It’s something I had mentioned to them – but they didn’t believe me that it mattered.

Listen: it matters.

It’s like going swimming in the ocean without your suit.​​​​​​​

Here’s what one reporter sent me. I blacked out some info and names to keep everyone’s privacy.


This writer could have just NOT responded. Instead, she replied with WHY she wasn’t going to use my expert. She gave my client really good information that will help him ramp up and score his next media opportunity.

Are you too busy to think about all of this?

Don’t think online marketing will do you any good?

Don’t know how to update your LinkedIn?

Have no idea how to create a professional company page on Facebook or LinkedIn?

Don’t have a website yet?

Don’t think you need an updated headshot?

Seventy percent of job seekers find their next job on LinkedIn thanks to a connection they have there. 70%!

Your future customers are there too. Looking for someone just like you.

I’m here for you. Just not if you feel like skinny dipping.

Are you ready to maximize your digital brand and get media/a new job/new customers/public speaking opportunities? I have a few more openings this week for free 30-minute phone consultations. Let’s talk.​​​​​​​

What happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas

I was in Vegas last weekend. My husband and I wanted to get away for some pool time before a busy June hit. (It was also my birthday weekend.)

I dumped a few hundred down some slots and he made a hefty deposit while playing the tables. Thank you, Steve Wynn.

We flew in Thursday and didn’t hear about the terror threat until we landed that afternoon. Law enforcement was already boosted by the time we hit the ground. Vegas was a target because an ISIS propaganda video called for lone wolf attacks showed several Las Vegas Strip properties.

No one was really talking about it inside the casinos. Possibly because they were on vacation and drinking too many of these tasty little watermelon and vodka punches. I do know security was ramped up. Kathy Griffin also talked about it during her show. (This was three days before the President Trump beheading video.)

In my head – I was prepared for anything.

I wore sandals at dinners and shows instead of the heels that remained in my luggage. I kept my bag packed and my phone charged. (Speaking of purses… take a look at the tiny little chair waiters bring you for your bag during dinner? They’re really looking out for the girl who doesn’t want to place her handbag on the floor.)

It might be the news producer in me or because I spent three years in law enforcement… or was it all those years in Girl Scouts? I was ready.

My husband? He thought I was being a little ridiculous. But – you never can be too ready.

It’s a little like the bag I bring along on shoots for my clients. I have makeup for men and women. Deodorant, tape, body tape, things to stick in your bra to make your clothing look better, hair ties, blotters, eye cream, my favorite all-natural throat lozenges (ask me about them, they’re amazing)… you name it. You never know what your client will need. My job is to be ready and make them look and sound as best as possible.

Are you ready for your next emergency?

Ready for when the media calls?

Ready to perform?

Ready for your next boardroom pitch/interview/meeting/public speaking event/Facebook Live?

Here are some quick tips on how to prepare that I recently shared live on Facebook (please don’t mind the random thoughts and special appearance by my dog Mariel – when we’re live on Facebook, anything goes!):

I have an entire summer of ways you can get in the media or improve your public speaking — so make sure I’m making it into your inbox and not your spam! Not signed up for my free tips yet? Head on over to this page to start learning how you can get yourself noticed (and make more money).

PS: If you’re going to be in Vegas anytime soon… make sure to catch the Fogerty show. Worth every cent and more. Here’s just a taste of him performing with his sons. What a moment.

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